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A Pivotal Shift/A new experiment. SEMESTER TWO.

Writer: HGHG

Updated: Apr 2, 2019

To cut a long story short - I am now working on a new film idea.

I'm now working on (yet another) parody short film, so all is not lost. However, this time - aliens shall not be a present factor and Glasgow is safe, for now. The new film will instead parody classic horror movie scenes, and instead feature two central characters surviving through all these struggles, by simply avoiding death. (Script at the bottom of the page!)

Plot line: Two friends arrive at an air b&b in Glasgow (the first scene will replicate the drop off scene in Taken) and will feature a long shot showing an ambivalent character across the road approaching them as they enter the building.

I will then cut to character one, who will experience a moment where the television static lapses into an eerie sequence of ambivalent images creating a transe-like-effect (Porody #2: The Ring). This scene will be cut shot anti-climatically by character two, who has been in the bathroom experiencing other horror movie moments (represented through haptic visuals and sounds) arriving just in time to put the tv off and remove all chances of a horror moment eventualizing.

The next scene will feature the two friends walking home from their ventures out into Glasgow, where character one will mention a feeling of being followed. Character two still appears to be much calmer (and logical) about the situation, and when asked by character one if they should take a short-cut home down an alley with a hooded figure with a baseball bat, responds with 'or we could just not die,' and so yet again, they live.

In the final section of the film, the clown (who is actually the taxi driver from the beginning, who honestly - just wants them to pay the full taxi fair at this point) arrives, and conveniently in true horror movie style - he's dressed for his other part-time job as a clown. This will be used to parody IT and the classic notion of scary clowns. In this section, the previously more-logical character two will lapse into the horror movie trap, and character one will actually save the day by realising they can actually just phone the police, as the whole time - the clown is actually still locked outside.

The film will end with character one and two leaving the building, and the final shot will be of the clown taking his mask off and shouting 'You forgot to pay for your taxi.'

I've already filmed the second scene of this short-film idea: (Link to Scene Two Experiment: In this edit, the camera angles are limited due to issues surrounding a lack of boom pole and humans to aid this pursuit. However, in the future, I plan to use much more dynamic shots - the easy-rig will most likely be my next experiment to try out more movement with the camera. In addition to this, I plan to vary the previously chosen lighting.

I am also looking further into haptic visuality and the use of non-diegetic sound in horror films. So far, The Skin of the Film has given me some useful insight into the use of haptic visuality in conveying intercultural messages in film. This was an interesting and notable idea for me, as it made me consider the universality of horror, and in particular - films like The Ring which for the first time created horror from common objects, like telephones and televisions. This has made me consider the use of haptic visuality in my film further, and examine the connections it may have on more levels than just aesthetics.

In addition to this, much like the former film idea I had - alienation and parody of conventions appears to be a recurring thematic device in my work so far, and for this reason - I am also working out what this means and the best ways to represent this.

In terms of feasibility: This project will require - two central actors, and two extras.

A camera operator - Potentially myself.

A sound operator

Canon C100, L Series Lens

(Potentially) The Easy-Rig

Lighting Panels

Sound Kit.


Two students go on a grad-trip and stay in an air b&b. First scene represents parody of Taken. They’ve arrived in Glasgow, first scene – outside the apartment trying to work out the key.

Scene One.

Sarah: I cant get this fuckin key to work.


James: let’s get inside.

A man is stood across the road and appears to be watching them.


Scene Two.

Inside the apartment.

James: It’s alright in here, isn’t it?

Sarah: Yeah, great. I need to shower after that journey.

James: Hey, our taxi driver was a part-time clown, what more do you want?

Sarah: Yeah…

Sarah exits. James sits down, turns on the TV and starts eating crisps. Close ups/haptic visuality.


Scene Three.

Sarah is in the bathroom, turns on the tap – the water is clear, but when she looks down the sink is filled with black water. She takes no notice, turns on the shower, when she looks down there is black water in the bath. As the shower steam up, the words ‘GET OUT’ appear on the mirror. Cut.

Scene Four.

Sarah comes out of the bathroom, James is standing in front of the TV watching the static as if he’s possessed.

Sarah: What the fuck are you doing?

Turns off the TV.

James: (Shocked) th… there… there was a woman… on the screen

Sarah: Tell her to fuck off.

James: Right. Yeah.

Sarah: tea?

James: Right. Yeah. Sure.

Sarah screams – camera shot from inside cupboard. Haptic sound.

James: What?!

Sarah: There’s a giant fuck-off spider in there.

James: Jesus Christ that’s the last thing we need.

Sarah: Let’s just er, ignore that – we’re only here for the weekend anyway. Shall we check out what there is to do around here in a bit?

James: Yeah, sure. I’m going for a shower.


Sarah laughs.


Scene Five.

James and Sarah are walking back from the pub.

James: How weird was that man coming up to us and telling us we would die in seven days?

Sarah: I know right? Don’t get me wrong that restaurant was rough but that’s a bit too excessive.

James: Are you starting to feel like we’re being watched?

Sarah: Who doesn’t feel watched? It’s 2019.

James: Oh, I’m sure this is a short-cut back to the flat.

Camera pans to a dark alley with a man in a hoody holding a weapon.

Sarah: I think we should just add on another two minutes to our journey and avoid death.

James: Sure.

James and Sarah walk off. Cut.

Scene Six.

James and Sarah are sitting on the couch, drinking a bottle of wine and watching the television. James’s phone rings. Static sounds and breathing can be heard. ‘Seven Daaaaaaayyyyyss’

Sarah: Oh fuck off will you, I’m trying to watch grand designs. (hangs up the phone)


Scene Seven.

Jamesam dream sequence, cuts between visual montage of distorted lights and voices and him dreaming. He then wakes up, and panicked he wakes up Sarah.

James: Sarah, wake up. I don’t think we’re alone. Wake up you mess, I hear someone in the house.

Sarah: Whaaa? Would you turn on the light?

James: No. You don’t turn on the light.

Sarah: What do you mean ‘you don’t turn on the light?’

James: In these situations, they never turn on the light.

Sarah: Who’s they?

James: You know… people.

Sarah: Alright, this is ridiculous.

Sarah turns on the light light turns on and a woman is standing at the foot of the bed with her hair draped over her face.

Sarah: Can I help you sweetheart?

Woman: Yeaaahhhh, sorry I’m just reaaaallly drunkkkkk. What number is this?

Sarah: 12.

Woman: I think I live next door.

Sarah gets up and helps the woman out the door.

Woman: Oh my goshhh, you’re like… so kind.

(off camera) Sarah: It’s alright, we’ve all had those kind of nights (laughs)

Camera cuts back to James who is sweating, there is a high-pitched frequency sound.


Scene Eight.

Sarah and James are sitting on the couch, watching television after being out. Again, they are sitting with a bottle of wine watching grand designs.

Sarah: That was a pretty good day we had today.

James: You’re right enough, I like any place with a healthy distillery and pub to human ratio. Back to reality tomorrow, though.

Sarah: Yeah, you know – now that we’re going… ‘back to reality’ as you put it, do you not think we should start talking about, y’know… the future and stuff?

James: Sarah, don’t move a muscle or you could very possibly die right now.

Sarah: Jeez, chill out – you could’ve just said now’s not a great time.

James: No, there’s a spot on you.

Sarah: God damn it James, we’ve been together 4 years and a spot is going to put you off? You know about my dermatitis, that’s so fucked. Fuck you.

James: No. Sarah.

Sarah looks outside towards the building opposite.

Sarah: This thing? It’s probably a fuckin laser pen, hey asshole! What do you think you’re doin?

Sarah pulls down the blinds and sits back down. A man in a suit and clownmask appears in the middle window.

Sarah: Are you fuckin serious? (turns to James) Are you just gonna sit there? Do you see this guy? Have people here got no concept of personal space?

James: What is he doing?

Sarah: Wait, how did he get from there to here?

James: where to here?

Suspenseful music starts playing,

Sarah: well wherever he was before he was here, he wasn’t there was he?! He must have been in that building over there, can he fly?!

James: Well maybe-

Sarah: No. Seriously, how did he get across here? That’s just implausible. Is he a mountain goat?

The clown holds up the laser pen

Sarah: I told you it was a fuckin laser pen. I feel kinda weird talking about him like he’s not here. Hey buddy, what are you doing?!

The clown is trying to say something back, but can’t be heard over the music and their conversation. He looks through his pockets, and then takes out a knife.

Sarah: Please tell me you locked the door.

James: It is locked I haven’t opened it since we got back.

Sarah: Oh, then we’re fine. Dickhead can’t cut his way through glass.

Man starts picking the lock.

Sarah: but he can pick the locks.

The camera cuts between shots of the man picking the lock and Sarah and James watching this unfold.

James: I can’t believe we’re going to die like this.

Sarah: We could phone the police?!

James: We could!

James phone out but his hands are shaking so much he can’t dial the number.

Sarah: Why do people always develop act like this in these scenarios?

Sarah begins screaming at the man and the man starts screaming back.

James (on the phone) : Yes, police. Hello, there is a man trying to commit murder upon us with a knife.

Sarah: Murder upon us?!

James leaves the room. The camera follows James into the hall whilst he is on the phone, Sarah can be heard screaming in the background.

James: Yes, ehm well – you see we don’t actually know the address… it’s an air b&b, we’re here on holiday. Yeah, it’s been quite nice otherwise – thank you.

Screams can be heard off camera.

James: Yes, but seriously there is actually a man trying to kill us. We’re in the living room… yes we can see him. He’s about 3 feet away. Oh right, yes. Okay, Thank you, thanks again. Bye.

James re-enters the room

James: Sarah, come on – the police are on their way, he’s still locked outside – let’s go!

Sarah: Oh right, okay, honey!

Camera pans back to clown on balcony, takes off his mask.

Clown: You forgot to pay for your taxi!


Scene Nine.

Sarah and James leave the building, walking past a conversation amongst another two tenants in the building… The words ‘yes apparently we’ve still got a problem with lead in our drains’ can be heard.

James: Well, they’ll be getting a no-star review from me.

The End.


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