Initial Theories Considered:
- Enactive Perception in Cinema.
- Expanded Cinema
- Immersive Cinema.
In looking at these theories, I found the concept of environment to be something that offered many influential possibilities, both narratively and stylistically. I found in my readings the question of daily reality and environmental factors on perception to be an interesting angle to approach film from and to consider this as aforementioned, both narratively and within the presentation of the piece. This led me onto expanded cinema, and successively - immersive cinema. I found in my research that the predominant majority of installations of particularly immersive cinema did not feature comedic elements or even many narrative pieces, and seemed to focus on a postmodernist, and experimental element of cinema. This then inspired me to look further, and to see if potentially creating something comedic and narrative, whilst infusing the film with these experimental elements.
I have considered Peter Weibel's Endless Sandwich and how the medium of television is illustrated and effectively broken, and thought of incorporating elements of voyeurism. I have considered the idea of portraying the characters on screen in a voyeuristic situation, and also ending the piece with the audience themselves being watched - I feel this could be effective in creating a more resonant opinion of the films desired messages. In addition to this, I believe immersive elements such as these would not only impact the spectator further, but also reinforce the messages presented within the narrative.
In terms of style, I have looked at the work of Quentin Tarantino and his infamous use of low-angles and two shots to emphasise the imposing nature of his characters in an almost caricature fashion. I think this could be an element of style that I could incorporate to create the aesthetic qualities I want to achieve in this film. I am also currently researching a lot more about satire, allegorical representations and social commentaries presented in media.