The past week I've been working on solidifying set design elements and props for my final film. To invest the narrative with as much comedic value as possible, i'm featuring movie posters within the flat that the story takes place - these movie posters will feature the films I am parodying within the film, and will allow a further level of satire to be achieved. I will also have strategically placed objects in the background that reference the horror genre, such as a photograph of the twins from the shining, presented as a family picture on a bed-side table, Psycho by Robert Block will be present in the bookshelf, and other details in the set design will further this to achieve maximum comedic effect.
I have also been working on varying camera techniques, including some drone shots that were completed last week. Ideally I would love to use these in my final film, although there are some issues regarding licensing and drone shooting within inner city Glasgow.
Other tasks of the past few weeks; researching copyright laws in relation to parodies. I have been looking at the ethics surrounding parodying a title, as parody inevitably exists from regenerating and repositioning existing concepts.
I am also finalising my shot list and production schedule.
Things needed for final film:
Confirmed – things present/that have been purchased.
Outstanding: Things that are not present/yet to be sourced.
- Suitcase/holdall. (Confirmed)
- Taxi driver’s business card (Confirmed)
- Cheetos. (Outstanding)
- Skin of the Film Book. (Confirmed)
- Clown Mask (Outstanding)
- Laser Pen (Confirmed)
- Knife (Confirmed)
- Balloons (Outstanding)
- Bumbag (Outstanding)
- Rope (Outstanding)
- The Silence of The Lambs movie poster (Outstanding)
- Taken movie poster (Outstanding)
- The Ring movie poster (Confirmed)
- The Grudge movie poster (Outstanding)
- IT movie poster. (Confirmed)
- Pyshco the book (Confirmed)
- Photograph of the twins from the shining/photo frame. (Oustanding)
- A bible. (Confirmed)
- Grey tracksuit for Rosie – opening sequence. (Confirmed)
- Suit for Taxi Driver. (Confirmed)
- Sunglasses for Taxi Driver (Confirmed)
- Dress for The Drunk Woman (Confirmed)
If anyone is strange enough to own any of the above list and wants to help me out - let me know xo