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Summarising Satire.

Writer: HGHG

Updated: Jan 30, 2019


‘What does it mean for the show to be adopted so enthusiastically by the system it so aggressively derides, and what can it tell us about satire’s relationship to cynicism, politics, and democracy?’" -

(Laura Basu) - Link 1.

In keeping with my earlier experiment in which I sought to satirise popular film tropes used in Western gunfights, I have also been considering the comedic influences which have instilled me with this idea, and more importantly - reflected why I think satire is the most powerful means of representing difficult social issues. I also found interesting notes on this within a scholarly article written by Megan LeBouef in which she states:

“Satire is a powerful art form which has the ability to point out the deficiencies in certain human behaviours and the social issues which result from them in such a way that they become absurd, even hilarious, which is therefore entertaining and reaches a wide audience. Satire also has the ability to protect its creator from culpability for criticism, because it is implied rather than overtly stated; in this way, it becomes a powerful tool for dissenters in difficult or oppressive political and social periods” (LeBoeuf) - Link 2.

This statement made by Leboeuf directly relates to what I am trying to reflect and represent in my final project. As aforementioned, I wish to create a social commentary and furthermore, a satire of this social commentary by implementing a narrative which portrays an alien invasion striking Glasgow. I wish to represent a story in which we are invaded by a species who themselves have been invaded for the resources found on their native planet. I plan to reflect the repetition of history and at times, the lack of social evolution in these circumstances by portraying a pivotal scene in which we, and these 'aliens' realise we are not too dissimilar after all, and we end up becoming allies, only to find out that they leave to invade another planet as this mission to earth has been unsuccessful. Within this narrative structure I want to represent messages of post colonialism, social marginality and the parallels and contrasts which create a world. In this piece I aim to include montage sequences parodying popular film scenes, at this initial stage I have considered the idea of the characters attempting to defend themselves from this impending attack by mimicking the devices used in Home Alone such as the figurines at the window, the bleach on the stairs, and other comedic tropes which, in this situation, I feel would only further the satirical nature of what I'm trying to create. I have also considered the use of montage to be a useful tool in conceptualising an idea in a concise manner, one which both directly and indirectly represents the situation at hand, but overall is in-keeping with the comedic value I want to retain throughout. In addition to this, I am also experimenting with the use of black and white to reflect iconic historical fight scenes in black and white western films, in doing this I am experimenting with the extent in which I want to amplify these comedic elements and also gauging which is the most positive in its reception. Additionally, I am looking to begin experimenting with the representation of these 'alien' characters in the next week. I think that this may prove as a challenge, and this is why it is something I want to begin experimenting with in the early stages - so that my own ideas are concise and I myself have an idea of how to achieve this narrative with the skills, budget and resources I have available to me.

I have always enjoyed comedy films, but particularly those with intelligent modes of commentary. Stylistically, as aforementioned - the work of Edgar Wright in films such as Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz for me, incorporate successful comedy cinematography and editing, and are influential in my own conception of these ideas. Admittedly, much of this may be out of reach in regards to budget and technical skill at this stage, but I am working continuously to improve my camera skills, and am hopeful I can include these elements, even if only in selected shots in the final film.

I have also included a clip from one of my personal favourite British sketches Newzoids (Link 3) which I feel characterises the subject matters and elements of satire I would like to achieve in my own final project, in terms of narrative content and 'style' of comedy - and may provide further clarity in representing these concepts.

Link 3:


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